Watch this video to learn how taking insulin can help keep your blood glucose in a healthy range when you have gestational diabetes.
Watch this video to learn how gestational diabetes affects your pregnancy, including how hormones produced during your pregnancy affect your blood glucose levels, and the testing for gestational diabetes.
Watch this video to learn why exercising safely is an important part of managing gestational diabetes, and understand how to prevent low blood glucose while exercising.
Gestational diabetes is diabetes that happens only during pregnancy. Changes that occur in your body during pregnancy cause your blood sugar (glucose) to be too high. This can cause problems for the baby and for you.
Watch this to learn about what diabetes is and what you can do if you are diagnosed with it.
Watch this to learn about diabetes burnout.
Watch this video to learn why monitoring your blood glucose and ketone levels at home and keeping regular healthcare visits are important when you have gestational diabetes.
Watch this video to learn what CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) is and how to use it to manage gestational diabetes.
Watch this to learn some key areas of your management plan to help you manage your diabetes.
Watch this to learn if you are at risk for diabetes.
Watch this video to learn the possible complications and risks to both you and your baby after delivery, and tips to help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.
Watch this video to learn how to safely choose an injection site to take insulin when you have gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the immune system. But your child can learn things to do to manage diabetes and live a normal life.
Watch this video to learn how to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia, how to treat it if it happens, and the importance of discussing it with your healthcare provider.
Watch this video for a demonstration of how to test your blood glucose levels at home.
Watch this video to learn the steps for injecting insulin using an insulin pen and the recommended areas of your body to inject. Also, learn how to properly dispose of your used needle.
Understand the relationship between depression and diabetes management.
Making sure your blood sugar is under control is key to managing your type 1 diabetes. It will also help you stay healthy. This video explains how to test your blood sugar and give yourself insulin. It also tells you what problems to watch for.
Watch this video to learn the correct technique for injecting insulin with a syringe, the recommended places on your body to inject, and how to properly dispose of your used syringe.
Understand how overcoming common physical and emotional challenges will help you manage your diabetes.
Watch this to learn how being diagnosed with diabetes affected Russell, and the changes he made to live with his diagnosis.
Watch this video to learn how to prepare your supplies and properly inject a single dose of insulin.
Watch this to learn about a possible complication of diabetes called nephropathy.
Watch this to learn what helped Pia after she was diagnosed with diabetes.
Find out how to make the most of your diabetes care visits to help you learn more about your diabetes self-management.
Watch this to learn how lowering stress levels can improve your diabetes self-care.
When you have type 1 diabetes, your body can't process blood sugar. Too much sugar in your blood can cause serious health problems. Watch and learn more about type 1 diabetes and how to stay healthy.
Watch and listen to others discuss how they felt when they were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Watch this video to learn why choosing healthy carbohydrates and other healthy foods, while managing portion sizes, is important in controlling your blood glucose level and in providing enough nutrients to you and your growing baby.
Watch this to help understand the relationship between diabetes and depression.
Learn where to find support to help you through the day-to-day challenges of managing your diabetes.
Watch this video to learn how to prepare and properly inject a mixed dose of insulin.
See how having a positive attitude can help you manage your diabetes.
This video shows how to inspect your feet for problems if you have diabetes.
Your diabetes management plan is key to taking control of your blood glucose levels. Learn what is included in a plan, and how it can help you manage your diabetes every day.
Understand how regular A1C blood tests can help you know whether or not your diabetes management plan is working.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause serious health complications, so it's important to take an active role in managing the disease. This series, produced in partnership with American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE), reviews the AADE7 Self-Care BehaviorsTM, seven approaches to healthier behavior for people with diabetes.
Having diabetes does not mean you have to give up your favorite foods or stop eating in restaurants. In fact, there is nothing you can't eat. But you need to know that the foods you eat affect your blood sugar or blood glucose. By eating regular meals, thinking about the amount and types of food you eat, you can better control your diabetes and prevent other health problems.
Watch this clip to understand what happens within your body when you have type 2 diabetes, and the importance of keeping your blood glucose levels within a healthy range.
Taking control of your diabetes will help you head off the complications that can come with it. You can reduce your risk of heart attacks, stroke, damage to your kidneys and nerves, and loss of vision by keeping your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure in check. A diabetes educator can help you find the best ways to eat healthy, be active, monitor your blood sugar, take medication, solve problems and cope in a healthy way.